Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Next Journey

This blog post is going to be a personal one so please bear with me, it indeed rambles.

I don't know how many people read this blog, but for the people that do I want share something. Maybe, you've been through similar circumstances and can identify with me. Maybe you can identify with my frame of mind. The way I think that men should lead their families, support their families.
     When I moved to the Atlanta area two years ago I had every intention of creating a great life to support my small family. Two years later, that did not happen. Sure my wife works and supports us and I did go to school during that time, but what I wanted was to be the bread winner, I wanted to give my wife the life that she deserves. For two years, well for most of the time, I have been filling out at least 5 job applications a week, calling at least one possible employer a day. I even went as far as walk into some places and try to bargain for a job. I thought with my strong employment background that I would get a job quickly. I still don't have one, in fact in the two years I've been here I've only had four interviews, only four! How does that happen? How do I not get a job after 2 years of searching. To make matters worse now I have a huge gap of unemployment, which places hiring tend to discriminate against. I'm not trying to throw a pity party, I'm just finally venting about it. I am exhausted, this place has beat me down to the ground and I'm crawling on my hands and feet.
     Enough is enough though. I left things behind up north, like my son, my parents, my old job. It's time to bring my family together, time to be a real Dad again. What I'm trying to say is that Anna and I have made the decision to move back to Massachusetts in the fall. Whenever I'm away from there I always get a strong urge to get back, like I'm being called there. I have to believe that it's God calling me back there, not homesickness, especially because of the last time I lived there, for reasons I'll explain if you ask. I have to do what I think is best for my family, what God thinks is best for my family no matter what others might think.This is not some decision that I have made on a whim, I have been struggling with it for weeks, months actually, praying about it endlessly, but it's final now.
    I'm grateful to my wife's family and my older brother's support they have given us and I will never forget it.
      I guess this post could be seen as my trying to justify the reasons for moving, but in the end my wife and I don't need to justify our reasons. This is just the next step that we are feeling lead to take and we're going to do so.

2 Timothy 4:17 -  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.

1 comment:

  1. My older support? is that a typo or do you have older support? Your race is just beginning my dear brother. Godspeed.
