Thursday, January 6, 2011

Commentaries Lost

There use to be a day when a film buff/geek, such as myself, could rent or buy a DVD and and listen to the Crew or Cast commentary that went along with the film. It was a great source of information and dare I say education of how films are made or the process an actor goes through to prepare for a role. Today it seems that Commentaries are dwindling if not all together disappearing. I started to notice this trend over the past year or so through renting movies I had hope to have commentaries on. No such luck. I don't think there was one film that a commentary or a behind the scenes special that last for more than five minutes. What gives?
Are film-makers just not caring about what they do anymore? Or is it the studios that don't want to shell out the extra cash to add a commentary? Either way it takes a lot away from the experience of watching a movie that inspired us or a story that we care about. I at least thought that the DVD versions of films coming out these days would still have them, we all know that blu-ray fails epically at offering any special features but it seems they are following suit. I for one think it's a mistake. Sure maybe not as many people followed the commentaries as the studios would have like but at least some did and I can garauntee that those people appreciated it. If Hollywood or the major studios want to regain some credit back with the general public I think this would be a good way to start. We are not after all not mindless consumers, we take the time out of our schedules to stop and watch their films, it's the least they could do.

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