Friday, May 27, 2011

My Top Six Favorite Superheros!

These are in no particular order, my 6 favorite superheros, like it or not.

#1. Spider-Man
In the comics, the science nerd Peter Parker, was bitten by a radio active spider giving him super powers. Those powers include; Super strength, super agility, spidey-sense and corrected vision. The spider also passed to Peter the knowledge of certain chemicals and enzymes that create webbing which he utilizes with web cartridges in his web shooters. What I like about Spidey is that he uses his intelligence that he already had. Also he is quirky and has a great sense of humor and constantly belts out great one-liners. He represents all geeks and nerds and defies stereotypes almost on the same level Frodo did in LOTR.

#2. Thor
Marvel comics adapted the mythical Norse god of thunder and transformed him into their own hero. He wields the mighty hammer Mjolnir which harness the powers of a storm and good for just plain bashing the bodies of bad guys. There have been several background stories for Thor throughout the years, but the one I'm most familiar is that he was so arrogant that his Father Odin banished him to our Realm. The way Odin did it was storing Thor's memories and spiritual body into a disabled medical student named Donald Blake. I can't remember what else happens but I know that through this Thor learns humility and Wisdom and later on he gets restored back to his original self. Thor is also a founding member of The Avengers and there will be a film version of that coming out next year.

#3. Bea Arthur
Her powers are "Keepin' it real" and telling it like it is! You go girl!
Ma, ma ma, Maud!

#4. Batman
I think we're all pretty familiar with this guy. Billionaire Bruce Wayne dedicated his life to fighting crime after witnessing the death of his parents right in front of him. This guy doesn't have super powers but he does have a genius level I.Q. and tons of money to create the gadgets he uses to fight crime. He has also mastered the art of hand to hand combat which many of his enemies have come to learn the hard way. Batman was also one of the founding members of the Justice League. The Justice League is a now large network of DC comic's superheros that look after the protection of Earth from domestic or intergalactic threats. He pretty much represents normal humans among the people with superpowers and keeps them in check. He is said to have extensive files on all of the JL members. Quite the cynic.

#5. Green Arrow
With Batman being a huge hit during "The Golden Age" of comics, DC comics wanted another hero like him. Enter Green Arrow, just like Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen was another Billionaire who fought crime. Obviously he was inspired by Robin Hood, with the way his costume is and he too is also an Archer with a variety of special arrows, mostly non-lethal. DC comics did pair him and Batman up in a few issues along with their dorky side-kicks "Speedy" and "Robin", but later on they paired Green Arrow up with Green Lantern and gave them their own comic series. Batman recruited Green Arrow to the Justice League to help keep it real.

#6. Superman
Of course he's on here, I can't leave Supes out, he's the most Iconic superhero out there. Born Kal-El on the planet Krypton his parents stuck him in a space ship as a baby and sent him to Earth just before their planet exploded. John and Martha Kent found his crashed ship and raised him as their own, Clark Kent. His powers include; near invincibility, super speed, flight, laser vision, x-ray vision, cold freaking breath, and super outrageous strength. He has three downfalls though; he is powerless under a red sun and his two weaknesses are Kryptonite(radioactive shards of his home planet) and Lois Lane, but she's also a part of his strength too. He is awesome because he fights for Truth, Justice, and the American way!

Honorable mentions include; Wolverine, Green Lantern, Silver Surfer and Captain America

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Photos by Me

Occasionally I know how to take a great photograph and so I'll be posting several of the ones I like the most and I'll be giving short descriptions underneath them.

This photo above is at Stage Fort Park in Gloucester, MA. Stage Fort was utilized during the war of 1812 against the British. It had a great strategic location being on the side of the harbor, also across the other side of the harbor was another Fort but unfortunately that one was not well preserved. What I like about this photo is the color contrast between the sky and earth and also that I took the picture right as the schooner on the water passed in front of the canon.

These two photos I took in the desert outside of Las Vegas in a national park called The Valley of Fire. It was April around the time I went and as you can see spring was just starting in the desert and it was very beautiful. If you every get the chance to see the desert in the spring, I recommend it.

This picture might not be the best in quality but I love it because of the movements that it captures. This picture of the boys Smoke Dance was taken in 2005 at the 6 Nations Pow Wow in Salamanca, NY. Like I said in my Facebook description it was the first real pow wow that I've been to. It's called the 6 Nation Pow Wow because of the six Indian nations that made up the Iroquois Confederacy which are; Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora.

For a brief time I live in Jamestown, NY and apparently their claim to fame is being the place where Lucille Ball was born, that's right, I Love Lucy. Anyways this photo was taken in an alley way between third and fourth street, it looks rad in black and white, glad I chose that film.

Speaking of Black and Whites, here are two more of my favorite. The top one is of the stairs going up to the top of the Lynn T-stop in Lynn, MA. I posted it on some contest site once and the people said that no center of frame or focus but I blew them off because I like the contrast between light and shadow. I had another Gloriously awesome photo of the outside of the Lynn stop that I took with a black and white disposable camera, can you believe it? It was unsanctumoniusly deleted from my parents computer! But I digress. The bottom photo was when I was just starting out with black and white photography in my senior year of high school. It's a playground at Eastside Park in Oakdale, MN. On the top right hand corner I needed to "dodge & burn" but for the most part I like it, again because out the light and shadow play.
Well that's it for now I guess, until I come across more.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chest Shaving Panzies

That's right Jerry, you did do something stupid! To borrow a phrase from Family Guy "It really grinds my gears" whenever I hear about some dude shaving his chest or see it on TV. I mean come on! Chances are if you have a hairy chest that it's that way for a reason. Granted there are some men that don't grow chest hair and have little facial hair and that's ok because it's genetic, you can't help it. But if you can help it, take a page from Tom Selleck's life and embrace your hairiness, it never stopped his success, did it? No! And I'll tell you what, if a woman can not accept you for the way God made you, than she isn't worth your time.

That leads me to another arguement that might be brought up. You might hear "Well if women have to shave than why can't men?" You know what I have to say about that? Shut up! First of all, we shave our faces so we don't scratch women's faces off when we kiss them, unless they're rebels, some men just are, like guys who own motorcycles or mountain men, you can't tame them. Secondly genetically women grow less hair on their bodies than men except on the legs or if they live by a power plant. So why not just get the rest of it out of the way? You can't argue with that logic can you? Because I just blew your mind. Your welcome. Thirdly, it may take only 10 minutes for women to shave their legs, but dudes have alot of hair! Do you know how long that would take? We could spend that time doing other important things like lifting heavy things or building awesome structures of awesome-ness. We could even be helping our spouses around the house with chores (keep dreaming ladies).

Lastly, what I'm trying to say is, real men don't shave their chest, they embrace their hair! They find a mate that hold their chest hair in glorius wonder! And they share these values with their offspring so they too know that real men don't shave their chest!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tom Selleck!

Yesterday as I was surfing netflix for something to watch I stumbled upon a movie I haven't seen in maybe ten plus years called Mr. Baseball. The film starred Tom Selleck as a struggling major leager who gets traded to a team in Japan. The fact that his film contained two things I love, Asian culture and Baseball, was a bonus but what hooked me was Tom freaking Selleck. I can't believe how awesome that master of moustaches is
As I recall from my youth my first experience with Tom Selleck was through watching Magnum P.I. with my grandparents. In the show he played a cool, suave, yet tough as nails private detective who lives in Hawaii and drives a red Ferrari, who would love a show like that? Plus the show had a freaking sweet theme song, check it out.

Magnum P.I. really showcased how versatile of an actor he is, he can be serious, funny, tough, a ladies man and so on. But television could not contain him for too long. The next thing I remembering seeing was an awesome flick called Quigley Down Under. In that film he played a "cowboy" from the U.S. who was hired by an Austrailian land owner (Alan Rickman, also awesome). Quigley's speciality was shooting stuff far away with an awesome feaking rifle.

Selleck is the most BA cowboy ever. But this next scene really proves it.

See. What'd I tell ya?

Ok, he is seriously BA, but he can also be really funny and he is confident enough in himself to be able to make fun of himself and his legendary moustaches. As evidence here is a clip from the Conan O'brian show he did a while back.

Genius! I strongly recommend checking out all of the stuff that he has been in, you won't be disappointed!