Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vampires, Werewolves, and Me

When I hear the word "Vampire" I think of all the traits and ideas that has been tied to over the years. Things like; Power, seduction, mystery, darkness, sophistication, flight, terror, etc... I've always enjoyed vampire stories and films and thought how cool it would to be one(except for the lame twilight version) and what I might be like if I was one. I'd more devistatingly good looking than I already am, charming, quick witted, faster than a blink of an eye, and have strength that rivals the strongest beasts on the planet. Oh have I longed to fit in with that crowd, but alas it may have not been meant to be. Can't fit in with the cool kids or the people I always thought to be cool and envied, but is it so bad not to fit in with them?

When I hear the word "Werewolf" I think of; Unbridled terror, Barbaric brutality, Violence, depression, Inner turmoil, lack of self confidence, hidden strength, morality and sometimes virtue. Their howls sending tingles down your spine. For centuries all over the world people have feared Werewolves even moreso than Vampires. Either because of the thought of being killed with such savaged violence, or because they didn't want to be turned into one. With the latter hollywood made films in the 1940's and on about the reluctances in becoming a Werewolf. The protagonist always serching for a way to end end his sickness while other hollywood films made it cool to be a vampire.
It's soooo bad to be a Werewolf right? Well if people were humanizing vampires and giving them the ability in literature and film to choose between right or wrong, why not give werewolves the same choice? Why give them the short end of the stick? They were once human too, infact they live as a human for most of the time before they transform before they turn into that mindless beast. Somewhere though along the line these people that portrayed Werewolves as vicious beast forgot that wolves are actually very smart, cunning, swift, agile, and very social, and don't quote me on this but I think they mate for life. So if real wolves are like that than why can't Werewolves be like that? I haven't found a good argument for it yet. Tradition certainly isn't one.
Finally with movies like "Underworld", "Wolf" and even the teeny bopper "Twilight" it ain't so bad to be a werewolf anymore. Which is good because unlike vampires I fit into the Werewolf crowd very well and I can turn all of my turmoil into something positive and focus on the more important things in life and forget superficial benefits of being a vampire. Vampires, Werewolves, as long as you are happy with what you are than there shouldn't be any need worry.

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