Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Knowing how to be Myself.

     There comes a time in life when you decide to just throw everything into the wind to be yourself. Suddenly you find that you're a little more braver, have a little more courage, and you just start to show people who you really are. You start to take more chances in public or share what's really important to you with family and friends. Most strangely you're okay with the fact that people can take you or leave when confronted with this new situation, you're okay with it because your trust doesn't reside in people, but with something else. It's not an identity crisis, it's not because for months or perhaps years you have been struggling and meditating with it. It's is not a crisis at all no, it's is more of a blossoming, a reconciliation with who you really are and then you take the plunge!
      Near thirty I sometimes think about all of the chances I missed because I didn't do something like this sooner, but then I probably wouldn't be where I am with who I'm with today and that would be a great travesty. I may not have my dream job or living in the kind of place I want to live in, but in the end does that really define who I am? I say no. I have really been enjoying just throwing myself out there and taking chances artistically, whether it be writing, meddling in graphic arts, or starting fan pages on the Internet. I enjoy the nervousness of viewing reactions from my peers and friends. What will they think of my adventures? What will they say? Or, will they say anything at all? It is a true delight not knowing and sometimes if there is no reaction or a negative one at least I can take satisfaction in knowing that I took a chance at something. I can take satisfaction in knowing that I can be myself when I create things and share them. I can take satisfaction in challenging myself to do better.
     Part of being myself is always wanting to learn new things in certain areas of life like culture and faith. I constantly crave learning about the faith I've committed myself to, the God I've committed myself to. I seek to learn how to share it with others in a responsible way and how not to hide part of what I am. If I am to share one of the most important aspects about me than I must realize that I live in a very big world with people that do not share the same beliefs so the least I can do is learn about them and their beliefs in order to have a constructive conversation. I enjoy that challenge, the challenge of coming to integrate my hobbies with my beliefs systems even if one might think it can't be done.
     I'm sure I'll make mistakes along the way when continuing to figure out who I am. Maybe I'll say or do somethings that might turn some people away. The simple fact is though is that I am human and it happens, I'm just doing the best that I can do. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I like me, I like who I am right now, I like what I like, and I like putting myself out there. Hopefully this makes sense. If I had any advice to give right now it would be; Just be yourself, be with a person that likes you for who you are. And since I'm putting myself out there, I'll give the old Christian standby advice; Seek first the kingdom of God, and know what the kingdom is as you share it.