Friday, March 9, 2012

My 5 Most Favorite Video Games

     I came up with this topic thinking it was going to be a cake walk, but as I started to think about the games I've played over the past 20 plus years it got a lot harder. There were two games that I already knew had to be on the list, but the rest I really had to think about and I had to think of good reasons why they needed to be on the list, not just because I thought they were cool, although to be honest that a big part of it. The games are ranked in no particular order except for the number one spot, let's get on with it shall we?

#5 . Tekken
Specifically Tekken 2 through Tekken Tag tournament. I got a hold of these games before I ever even heard of Sega's Virtua Fighter so deal with it.
Reasons why it's good: The story was great. A dystopian future controlled by the powerful Mishima Corporation that holds an anual Iron Fist fighting tournament. Power struggles between father and son for control of the company. The ending videos do a great job of fleshing out the story. The next reason why it's good is because it's not like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter, I hate those games. This was a way more realistic way of fighting and Tekken is also known for the diversity of different fighting styles, no cheaty super powers. Also, when Mortal Combat and Street Fighter were still using 2-D levels and fights, games like Tekken utilized 3-d or 360 degree stages and camera angles, you could use the whole stage to fight. The characters in these games had great personality as well, they felt human. There's also some straight up goofy characters in the games too, like that little dinosaur that farts on you, or Bear and Mokujin. Tekken Tag Tournament also had a bowling mode too, that was fun.

#4. Castlevania: Lord of Shadows.
This title is only a year or two old, it's mechanics aren't very original, but oh man is it epic. This title was sort of a reboot of Castlevania because the past titles had a messy timeline that didn't make sense. This game fixed all that. It is also the introductory story for Dracula in Castlevania. The story is fan-effing-tastic, I can't even summarize it properly. Basically you're this medieval Holy Knight named Gabriel searching for 3 masks to stop the end of the word, these masks might also help you reunite with your dead wife too. You battle classic Transylvanian mosters, and some new ones throughout. The levels are beautifully designed works of art and challenging enough to get your money's worth out of it. It's also one of the longest games I've played in a while, which is almost unheard of these days. One final reason that it's epic, Patrick Stewart! He voices a major supporting character in the game, he's also the narrator. You can't get more epic narration than that!

#3. Wrath of the Lich King
This is actually an expansion to the MMO World of Warcraft for those of you who don't know. It's true that MMO's are the tradition video game, but I still categorize it as one because you're still in control of a virtual character.
Anyways, in Wrath, you're finally getting down to the nitty-gritty to confront the Lich King and his armies of the dead. You're taking the battle to him. This expansion had a Norse flare to the storyline and the 5/10/25 man instances/dungeons. They also came up with the random Dungeon Finder during this expansion, which was a GREAT way to get the gear you needed for the endgame content. I also dicovered the joy of endgame pvp using my Death Knight, ah old Grimwraith, I hardly knew ye. Anyways, It was my favorite expansion. I had the most fun with it, I pwned so many people and I was usually the one left standing after my entire guild wiped, gotta love melee dps! Then Blizzard had to ruin it all with Cataclysm. Oh it was a cataclysm alright, just not the good kind. Moving on!

#2. Tomb Raider
Yeah Tomb Raider 1-3 was pretty great, after that it was kind of downhill. There some pretty obvious reasons why people liked it, especially males. In fairness it had some great storylines and I loved the fact that Lara was basically a female Indiana Jones. The game mechanics Eidos introduced were pretty innovated too. The auto-aim and grappling were my favorites. Some of the weapons were funny as well. Overall, they're just some darn fun games.

     And last, but certainly not the least, we come to number one. Ladies and Gentlemen, this one is near and dear to my heart. It's the favorite old flame, that gentle lover, you know, the one that got away. You spend hours upon hours upon hours upon hours romancing it, getting to know all of it's little quirks, it's secrets. You forsake your friends just so you can spend every precious moment with it, what is friendship compared to this love after all. You think you have it all, when, like a Nicholas Sparks novel, tradgedy stirkes. Some cruel digusting twist of fate happens. YOUR GAME SHARK CORRUPTS YOUR MEMORY CARD AND RUINS, ABSOLUTELY RUINS, 80 HOURS WORTH OF PLAYING TIME LEAVING THE END JUST OUT OF REACH!!! The world is over! The devil is laughing at you! You log onto Napster, download your favorite theme music from the game and cry into your chocolate milk inbetween screaming "Why God!?! Why?!!!"
That, my friends, is the story of the number 1 game....

#1. Final Fantasy VII
Yeah that's right, this is it. Playstations first major Final Fantasy title I believe. The one with a heart of gold. I'm getting misty eyed right now just thinking of all the memories I have *Sniff sniff* People who have played this game know what I'm talking about. I don't think there is any reason to go into detail here... now if you'll excuse me. I have to go and listen to Aerith's theme and cry into my chocolate milk.

Her and Cloud will be together one day Damin it!
Friggin Sephiroth. One winged angel my rear end!

Also, how cool are limit -breakers right?

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