Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marriage Equality

     I've been reading the Bible a lot lately and when I say a lot I mean it. As a Christian that is important to me just like it is to most Christians. There is something else that is important to me as a Christian and that is marriage.

     When my wife and I got married, almost 3 years ago, we had the ceremony outside and her Grandfather, who is a Pentecostal pastor, presided over it. We both believe that God is an important foundation to a marriage and we can stay strong as long as we keep him first. Even though it is a constant struggle to keep God first we are doing are best to make it happen.

     As an American and as a Christian I also hold the belief that the founding of this nation was built upon Christian principles inspired by God with through the Bible. There are other things though that the founding fathers did when drafting the Constitution/Bill of Rights to establish what kind of country we could have. After walking out of the last meeting a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what all those men in the meeting hall gave her, he was quoted to say "A Republic ma'am, if you can keep it." Contrary to popular belief the USA was founded as a Republic and not a Democracy like so many people shout these days. They are almost the same, but they are different in a big way.
     Let's look at the definition of a republic: That form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated. [NOTE: The word "people" may be either plural or singular. In a republic the group only has advisory powers; the sovereign individual is free to reject the majority group-think. USA/exception: if 100% of a jury convicts, then the individual loses sovereignty and is subject to group-think as in a democracy.]
     Now let's look at the definition of a democracy: That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. [NOTE: In a pure democracy, 51% beats 49%. In other words, the minority has no rights. The minority only has those privileges granted by the dictatorship of the majority.](Sourced 1*)
      The founding fathers set up a republic to protect the rights of the minority along with the majority. If this were a true democracy than we wouldn't have very much freedom at all because we would base all decisions on mob rule. Thankfully we don't have that and thankfully we have a system of checks and balances, unless you're the media. Unfortunately it seems we haven't as a country come to terms with what we are. The LGBT community is protected by the laws our founding fathers set up whether those laws are inspired by God, or not.         

     This is difficult for some Christians to deal with because we have a Holy book that guides our morals, hearts and minds. To be frank there are some parts of the Bible that aren't kind to homosexuality, particularly in the Old Testament, but there are a few in the New Testament as well. The good thing about the New Testament is that God sent his only son Jesus to die for our sins. During the life of Jesus he taught us a lot of things, mostly about how to love one another and how to bring the Kingdom of God to the Earth. He also had some harsh things to say about judging others like this: "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. ..." Matthew 7:1-6         
      There are still lots of Christians that still go around and do this anyway, we are not perfect, but we need to understand that not everyone is Christian in the United States and even if most of us are we still have laws that protect the minority even if it's protecting them from our beliefs. We get so concerned with running around and telling people how to live their lives that we forget that maybe we should show people how to live their lives. Actions speak louder than words after all. If you are worried about someones soul than by God pray for them and remember this: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16     
      If you come across someone who doesn't believe the same thing as you and you start to feel all judge-y than remember this "And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment," Hebrews 9:27.  It's not our true job to judge, but to spread the kingdom of God to others. I'm not not saying I agree or disagree with gay marriage, in fact I think that physical acts of love in homosexuality are icky, but that's their problem not mine. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you believe it is wrong, than that's fine, but if you think that you can go out and condemn and try to support your belief based on your religion, in a legal manner, than you're going to have a bad time. That is because of our Republic and how it protects minority groups from mob rule. And as of late, no matter how important we Christians want to protect our way of marriage, we have been acting a lot like a mob. Especially when it comes to our anger or lack of understanding getting the better of us.

     This was difficult for me to write. You can't just pick and choose what you want to believe in the Bible, it's not a menu. I'm not coming out in support for anything or legally denying anything. I don't want to shove my beliefs down anyones throat, nor would I want someone to do the same to me. I know straight, gay, and bi-sexual and sometimes I don't agree with any of them on their lifestyles or choices. In the end it is between them and God and my duty is to offer them love, prayer, and the word of God if in private or when they ask. I'll continue to pray for God's will on this issue and our country, we cannot begin to know what it is, but we have to be accepting of it when His will is upon us.

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